Screenshots and Videos

TestCafe allows you to take screenshots and record videos during tests.

Take screenshots

TestCafe allows you to take screenshots of the application at any moment during the test run, or whenever a test fails. Screenshots can help you debug your application, and pinpoint the reason for test failure.


TestCafe cannot take screenshots and videos of remote browsers.

Prerequisites for screenshots

Screenshot functionality requires .NET v4.0 or higher on Windows machines and an ICCCM/EWMH-compliant window manager on Linux.

Take screenshots during the test run

You can take screenshots at any moment during the test run. Use the t.takeScreenshot action to take a screenshot of the entire window, or the t.takeElementScreenshot action to capture a specific element.

fixture `My fixture`
    .page ``;

test('Take a screenshot of a fieldset', async t => {
    await t
        .typeText('#developer-name', 'Peter Parker')
        .typeText('#comments', 'I think TestCafe is awesome!')

t.takeScreenshot options

The t.takeScreenshot method allows you to configure the screenshot file location and the size of the capture area:

    path: 'screenshots/checkout-screenshot.png',
    fullPage: true
  • The pathPattern option determines the custom naming pattern for the screenshot file. This option overrides the global pathPattern setting.
  • The path option determines the relative location of the screenshot file. Set the root directory with the runner.screenshots method or the -s (--screenshots) CLI option. This option overrides the pathPattern parameter.
  • The fullPage option enables you to capture the entire page, including the area outside the viewport.

t.takeElementScreenshot options

The t.takeElementScreenshot method allows you to configure the screenshot’s capture settings and file location. Read the API Reference article for more information.


test('Take a screenshot of image piece', async t => {
    await t
        .takeElementScreenshot('.checkout-cart', 'screenshots/checkout-screenshot.png', {
            includeMargins: true,
            crop:           {
                top:    -100,
                left:   10,
                bottom: 30,
                right:  200,

Take screenshots when a test fails

TestCafe can take a screenshot whenever a test fails. Use one of the following interfaces to enable this capability:

Global screenshot settings

Option Type Description Default Value
path String Screenshot storage directory (See Screenshot and Video Storage Configuration). ./screenshots
takeOnFails Boolean Take a screenshot whenever a test fails. false
pathPattern String A custom naming pattern for screenshot files. See Screenshot and Video Storage Configuration. See Default Path Patterns.
pathPatternOnFails String A custom naming pattern for screenshots taken on test failure. If you set both the pathPattern option and the pathPatternOnFails option, the latter takes precedence in the event of test failure. See Default Path Patterns.
fullPage Boolean Capture the entire page, including the area outside the viewport. false
thumbnails Boolean Generate screenshot thumbnails. true

Use one of the following interfaces to specify screenshot settings:

  • CLI (-s (--screenshots))

    testcafe chrome test.js -s path=artifacts/screenshots,fullPage=true,pathPattern=${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png


    Enclose parameter values in single quotes when you use a *NIX shell or PowerShell, and double quotes for cmd.exe.

  • Test Runner API (runner.screenshots())

        path: 'artifacts/screenshots',
        fullPage: true,
        pathPattern: '${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png'
  • Configuration file (screenshots)

        "screenshots": {
            "path": "artifacts/screenshots",
            "fullPage": true,
            "pathPattern": "${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"

Disable screenshots

Use the disableScreenshots option to turn off the framework’s capability to take screenshots, even if you configured the framework to take screenshots on test failure, or your test code includes screenshot actions.

Record videos

TestCafe allows you to record videos of test runs.


TestCafe can record video in the following local browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Remote browsers do not support this capability.

Prerequisites for video recording

Install the FFmpeg library to record videos.

If TestCafe cannot find the FFmpeg library, try one of the following fixes:

  • Add the FFmpeg installation directory to the system’s PATH environment variable.
  • Specify the path to the FFmpeg executable in the FFMPEG_PATH environment variable.
  • Specify the path to the FFmpeg executable in the ffmpegPath option.
  • Install the @ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg npm package.

TestCafe saves videos in .mp4 format.

Enable video recording

Use one of the following interfaces to enable video recording:

  • CLI (--video)

    testcafe chrome test.js --video artifacts/videos
  • Test Runner API ('artifacts/videos');
  • Configuration file (videoPath)

        "videoPath": "artifacts/videos"

Always specify the video storage directory. See Screenshot and Video Storage Configuration for more information.

When you enable video recording, TestCafe records each test individually, and saves each recording as a separate file. You can change this behavior with the failedOnly and singleFile video options.


If you run Chrome with a custom user profile or the --user-data-dir CLI option, set the cdpPort property to 9222 to record videos:

testcafe "chrome:emulation:cdpPort=9222 --user-data-dir=/my/user/data" test.js --video artifacts/videos

Basic video options

TestCafe supports the following video options:

Option Type Description Default Value
failedOnly Boolean true to only record failed tests; false to record all tests. false
singleFile Boolean true to save the entire recording as a single file; false to create a separate file for each test. false
ffmpegPath String The path to the FFmpeg codec executable. Detected automatically
pathPattern String Set this option to define a custom naming pattern for video recordings of your tests. See Screenshot and Video Storage Configuration. See default path patterns.

Use one of the following interfaces to configure your video recordings:

  • CLI (--video-options)

    testcafe chrome test.js --video artifacts/videos --video-options singleFile=true,failedOnly=true,pathPattern=${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.mp4


    Enclose parameter values in single quotes if you use a *NIX shell or PowerShell, and double quotes for cmd.exe.

  • Test Runner API ('artifacts/videos', {
        singleFile: true,
        failedOnly: true,
        pathPattern: '${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.mp4'
  • Configuration file (videoOptions)

        "videoOptions": {
            "singleFile": true,
            "failedOnly": true,
            "pathPattern": "${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.mp4"

Video encoding options

Specify video encoding options to configure FFmpeg. Refer to the FFmpeg documentation for the full list of available options.

Use one of the following interfaces to configure FFmpeg:

  • CLI (--video-encoding-options)

    testcafe chrome test.js --video artifacts/videos --video-encoding-options r=20,aspect=4:3
  • Test Runner API ('artifacts/videos', { }, {
        r: 20,
        aspect: '4:3'
  • Configuration file (videoEncodingOptions)

        "videoEncodingOptions": {
            "r": 20,
            "aspect": "4:3"

Screenshot and video storage configuration

Base directory


The default base directory for screenshots is <project>/screenshots.

Use the path setting to specify a different base directory:


testcafe chrome test.js -s path=artifacts/screenshots


    path: 'artifacts/screenshots'

Configuration file

    "screenshots": {
        "path": "artifacts/screenshots"


Include the path to the video storage directory when you enable video recording.


testcafe chrome test.js --video artifacts/videos


Configuration file

    "videoPath": "artifacts/videos"

Path patterns

TestCafe uses path patterns to place your test artifacts in appropriate subfolders, and give each file a meaningful name. Placeholder variables allow TestCafe to create file paths with dynamic content, such as the name of the browser or the current date.

TestCafe resolves path patterns against the base directory.

For example, if you use the following path pattern:


TestCafe organizes your screenshots as follows:


You can use the default path pattern or create a custom path pattern.


The t.takeScreenshot method and the t.takeElementScreenshot method allow you to specify a unique path for individual screenshots. The t.takeScreenshot method also allows you to specify a unique path pattern.

Default path pattern

TestCafe uses the following path pattern out of the box:

# <ext> indicates the file's extension ('.png' for screenshots and '.mp4' for videos).

When TestCafe takes a screenshot on test failure, it adds the errors subfolder to the pattern.


Custom path patterns

Use the pathPattern parameter to specify a custom path pattern:

testcafe chrome test.js -s pathPattern=${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png'artifacts/videos', {
    pathPattern: '${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.mp4'
    pathPattern: '${DATE}_${TIME}/${TEST_ID}/${RUN_ID}/${USERAGENT}/errors/${FILE_INDEX}.png',
    fullPage: true
Specify a path pattern for screenshots taken on test failure

Set the pathPatternOnFails option to define a separate naming pattern for screenshots taken on test failure. You can use this option on its own, or in conjunction with the pathPattern option.

testcafe chrome test.js -s pathPatternOnFails=${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/failedTests/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png

Path pattern placeholders

You can use the following placeholders in screenshot and video path patterns:

Placeholder Description
${DATE} Test run start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
${TIME} Test run start time (HH-mm-ss)
${TEST_INDEX} Test index
${FILE_INDEX} Screenshot index
${QUARANTINE_ATTEMPT} Test attempt number (defaults to 1 if the test is not in quarantine)
${FIXTURE} Fixture name
${TEST} Test name
${BROWSER} Browser name
${BROWSER_VERSION} Browser version
${OS} Operating system name
${OS_VERSION} Operating system version
${TEST_ID} Resolves to test-${TEST_INDEX} if TestCafe can associate this screenshot or video with a specific test. Resolves to an empty string otherwise (for instance, when the entire test run produces a single video recording).
${RUN_ID} Resolves to run-${QUARANTINE_ATTEMPT} for screenshots of tests in quarantine. Resolves to an empty string otherwise.