Run Tests on LambdaTest with CircleCI

This topic describes how to integrate TestCafe into the CircleCI build process and run tests in the LambdaTest cloud testing service.


In this tutorial, we fetch tests from a GitHub repository: testcafe-ci-demo. Fork this repository before you start.


If you use a different version control system, make sure CircleCI supports it. For information on which systems you can use, refer to the CircleCI Integrations page.

Step 1 - Install TestCafe and Create Tests

Install TestCafe locally in your project and create tests.

Step 2 - Create a New CircleCI Project

Log in to CircleCI using your GitHub account.

If this is the first time you use CircleCI, you will start from an empty workspace. Click the Add Project button to create your first project.

Click the Add Project Button

This shows a list of GitHub projects associated with your account. Find testcafe-ci-demo and click Set Up project.

Set Up Project

Step 3 - Configure the Build

On the project configuration page, open a drop-down list and select Node as the target platform. Paste the following configuration:

version: 2.1
  node: circleci/node@4.1.0
      name: node/default
      tag: lts
      - checkout
      - node/install-packages
      - run:
          command: npm run test
      - store_test_results:
          path: /tmp/test-results
      - test

The following table describes the YAML properties used in this example:

Property Description
version The CircleCI version that should be used for this project.
orbs Imports CircleCI orbs – reusable parts of build configurations stored in a CircleCI registry.
node Imports the circleci/node orb v4.1.0 under the name node.
jobs The section that specifies jobs.
test The job’s name.
executor An executor that defines the environment in which this job runs. This example uses the default executor from the node orb. The tag property specifies that the LTS version of Node.js should be used.
steps The job’s steps.
checkout Checks out code from the testcafe-ci-demo repository. This is a pre-defined step (see checkout).
node/install-packages A step from the node orb that installs the project’s dependencies (see install-packages).
run The run step invokes shell commands. In this example, run executes the npm test script.
store_test_results Uploads test results to the specified directory (see store_test_results).
workflows A workflow that runs the test job.

After you pasted the YAML, click Add Config.

Click Add Config to Save the Configuration

CircleCI creates the circleci-project-setup branch in the repo and commits the .circleci/config.yml file to this branch. In this tutorial, we commit and push further changes to circleci-project-setup.

Step 4 - Specify LambdaTest Credentials

CircleCI allows you to assign sensitive information, like user credentials or access keys, to the CI project so that you do not keep secret values in the repository.

Open the Dashboard view and select the testcafe-ci-demo project from the drop-down list:

Select a Project Drom the Drop-Down List

Click Project Settings:

Click the Project Settings Button

Open the Environment Variables category and click Add Environment Variable:

Click the Add Environment Variable Button in Project Settings

In a separate browser tab or window, open the LambdaTest app and click Automation in the navigation bar:

Navigate to the Automation Page in the LambdaTest App

Click the Key Icon to display the access key info. Copy the username:

Copy the Username from LambdaTest Access Key Info

In CircleCI, enter LT_USERNAME as the variable name, paste the copied value below, and click Add Environment Variable:

Add the LT_USERNAME Environment Variable in CircleCI

In the same manner, copy the access key from LambdaTest and create the LT_ACCESS_KEY environment variable in CircleCI to store this key.

Step 5 - Install the LambdaTest Browser Provider and JUnit XML Reporter

Install the following npm packages locally in your project directory:

Run the following command to install both packages:

npm install --save-dev testcafe-browser-provider-lambdatest testcafe-reporter-xunit

Commit the package.json and package-lock.json files updated by npm to the circleci-project-setup branch and push the changes. These files allow CircleCI to use a fast npm ci command to install the dependencies.

Step 6 - Add the test script to package.json

To specify how CircleCI should launch TestCafe, add the test script to the package.json file. Use the testcafe command in the script to run tests on LambdaTest.

"scripts": {
  "test": "testcafe \"lambdatest:Chrome@85.0:Windows 10\" tests/**/* -r xunit:/tmp/test-results/res.xml"

After you install the dependencies and specify the test script, package.json should look as follows:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "testcafe \"lambdatest:Chrome@85.0:Windows 10\" tests/**/* -r xunit:/tmp/test-results/res.xml"
  "devDependencies": {
    "testcafe": "*",
    "testcafe-reporter-xunit": "*",
    "testcafe-browser-provider-lambdatest": "*"

Commit it to the circleci-project-setup branch and push the changes.

For more information on how to configure a test run with the testcafe command, see Command Line Interface.

Step 7 - View Test Results

Once you commit the package.json changes in the previous step, the build is triggered against circleci-project-setup. The CircleCI Dashboard shows the results in the pipeline.

Click the job name to show the details.

View the Pipeline in the Dashboard

The job view displays information about the completed job including the run duration, latest commit, and build log:

Job Details in the Dashboard

Next Steps

A testing configuration for CircleCI and LambdaTest is set up in the circleci-project-setup branch. You can now create a pull request to merge the configuration into the master branch.


Please do not open pull requests to merge the sample code from this tutorial to the DevExpress-Examples/testcafe-ci-demo repository.