
This roadmap includes capabilities that the TestCafe team wants to implement in the near future. The list is not definitive: we update it as we receive your feedback.

We invite you to share your ideas about the future of TestCafe on GitHub. Issue activity helps us gauge what our users want the most.

Major Features

Feature Status
Support for Multiple Browser Windows Implemented in v1.11.0
Selector Debug Panel Experimental support in v.1.18.0
Cookie Management Implemented in v1.19.0
HTTP API Testing Implemented in v1.20.0


Feature Status
Dedicated Scroll Action Implemented in v1.14.0
DOM Event Dispatch (mouseDown, mouseUp, etc.) Implemented in v1.15.0

Demo & Interactive

Feature Status
Interactive Demo Page Planned

Test Stability

Feature Status
Repeat Page Requests on Failure Implemented in v1.11.0
HTTP Caching Implemented in v1.12.0
Implement HTTP/2 server-side support Implemented in v1.15.0
Ignore JS Errors On a Per-Page Basis Implemented in v2.0
Implement HTTP/2 client-side support Planned
Improve the Quality of Automatic Pre-Assertion Timeouts Planned
Enable HTTPS connections Between Browsers and the Proxy Planned
Simplify the SSL Workflow Planned