Configuration File

Create a configuration file to use the same TestCafe settings across multiple test runs.

TestCafe supports two configuration file formats: JavaScript and JSON. On launch, TestCafe looks for a configuration file (.testcaferc.js, .testcaferc.cjs, or .testcaferc.json) in the current working directory.

Use a JavaScript configuration file (.testcaferc.js) to make the most of TestCafe. Define hook functions, reference Node.js modules, and perform server-side calculations:

//.testcaferc.js or .testcaferc.cjs

let os = require("os"); // Import any Node.js module you want.

module.exports = { // Settings go inside the module.exports statement.
    src: "/home/user/tests/", // Tests
    browsers: ["chrome", "firefox"], // Browsers
    baseUrl: "", // URL
    skipJsErrors: true, // Ignores JavaScript errors
    hostname: os.hostname() // Node.js dynamically calculates the value of this parameter.

JSON is the original TestCafe configuration file format with fewer capabilities:

// .testcaferc.json
    src: "/home/user/tests/",
    browsers: ["chrome", "firefox"],
    baseUrl: "",
    skipJsErrors: true,
    hostname: "localhost",


Command line options and TestCafe Runner options have precedence over configuration file settings. When TestCafe overrides a configuration file setting, it outputs a description of the conflict to the console.

Table of Contents

Configuration file formats


JavaScript configuration files store settings in key-value pairs within a module.exports statement. JavaScript configuration files can reference JavaScript methods, functions, and variables. This advantage allows users to create dynamic configuration files.

To access Node.js modules inside your configuration file, use the require syntax of the CommonJS standard.


TestCafe configuration files do not support ESM syntax.

If your JavaScript project is of type module, use the .cjs configuration file extension.

Read the TestCafe v2.6.0 announcement for more information.

//.testcaferc.js or .testcaferc.cjs

let os = require("os"); // Import the 'os' module

module.exports = {
    src: "/home/user/tests/", // Test files
    browsers: ["chrome", "firefox"], // Browsers
    baseUrl: "", // Website URL
    skipJsErrors: true, // Skip JavaScript errors
    hostname: os.hostname()

You can use JavaScript configuration files to perform the following tasks:


JSON configuration files store settings in key-value pairs. You can use JavaScript object identifiers as keys, enclose strings in single quotes, and insert inline comments. TestCafe suppoprts the full JSON5 standard specification.

// .testcaferc.json
    skipJsErrors: true,
    hostname: "localhost",
    // other settings

The TestCafe GitHub repository includes a sample JSON configuration file.

Configuration file setup

Location and name

On startup, TestCafe looks for a configuration file (.testcaferc.js, .testcaferc.cjs or .testcaferc.json) in the current working directory. To store the configuration file elsewhere, or to use a different file name, set one of the following options:

Configuration file priority

TestCafe uses one configuration file at a time.

  • If you manually set the path to the configuration file, TestCafe loads that configuration file.
  • If you don’t specify a custom configuration file path, TestCafe searches the current working directory for a configuration file with the default name and a supported extension, in the following order:
    1. .testcaferc.js
    2. .testcaferc.cjs
    3. .testcaferc.json
  • If TestCafe cannot find a configuration file with the default name (.testcaferc) and extension (js, cjs,or json), it does not load any configuration files.

Import Node.JS modules and properties


TestCafe configuration files do not support ESM syntax.

If your JavaScript project is of type module, use the .cjs configuration file extension.

Read the TestCafe v2.6.0 announcement for more information.

Use the CommonJS require syntax to access Node.js modules inside your JavaScript configuration file:

// testcaferc.js
let os = require("os"); // Import the entire module
let myModule = require ("/my-module.js") // Import a module by path
let { property } = require ("module") // Import a specific property from the module


Main article: Browsers

Use the browsers parameter to select browsers for the test run.


When you launch TestCafe v3.0.0 and up, the framework engages Native Automation mode to automate Chromium-based browsers with the native CDP protocol.

If your browser selection includes other browsers, TestCafe disables native automation.

If you want to run tests in non-Chromium-based browsers and take advantage of Native Automation, create two separate test runs:

testcafe chrome,edge test.js; 
testcafe firefox,safari test.js --disable-native-automation

Local browsers

TestCafe detects compatible local browsers on startup.

To launch a local browser, pass the browser alias to the browsers property:

    "browsers": "chrome"

To launch multiple local browsers, pass an array of browser aliases to the browsers property:

    "browsers": ["ie", "firefox"]

To launch tests in every detected browser, specify the all alias:

    "browsers": "all"

Local browsers with a custom path

Specify the path to a custom browser executable with the path: prefix. Escape special characters and spaces with backslashes:

    "browsers": "path:`C:\\Program\ Files\\Mozilla\\firefox-beta.exe`"

To specify CLI options alongside the path parameter, pass an object to the browsers parameter:

    "browsers": {
        "path": "/home/user/portable/",
        "cmd": "--no-remote"

Cloud browsers, custom browsers, remote browsers

To run tests in browsers that require a browser provider plugin, prefix the browser alias with the name of the plugin:

    "browsers": "saucelabs:Chrome@52.0:Windows 8.1"

To run tests in remote browsers, specify the remote browser alias. Specify the number of browsers after the colon. If you use concurrency, multiply the number of unique remote browsers by the concurrency factor.

    "browsers": "remote:4"


Disable native automation to launch tests in mobile browsers, cloud browsers, and remote browsers.

Headless mode, emulation mode, user profiles

To run tests in headless mode, enable a user profiles, or use Chrome device emulation, append the corresponding keyword to the browser alias.


If you specify a custom path to the browser executable, you cannot take advantage of this capability.

    "browsers": ["firefox:headless", "chrome:emulation:device=iphone X"]

Other interfaces

CLI: Browser List
API: runner.browsers, BrowserConnection

Advanced browser settings

  • Use the concurrency parameter to run multiple browser instances concurrently.
  • Use the qrCode parameter to generate QR codes for remote connection URLs.


Increase the value of the concurrency parameter to run multiple instances of the same browser simultaneously. Read the Concurrent Test Execution guide for more information.


Concurrent test execution is not suitable for tests that can only run in a certain order. To override this setting for a particular fixture, use the disableConcurrency fixture method.

    "concurrency": 3

CLI: -c, --concurrency
API: runner.concurrency


TestCafe can run tests in remote browsers. If you enable the qrCode parameter, TestCafe outputs QR codes with remote connection URLs to the command line.

    "qrCode": true

QR code in the CLI

CLI: --qr-code

Test files

The TestCafe framework supports the following test file formats:

You can filter tests and fixtures by name, metadata, or function.

Pass a string to the src parameter to specify a single test file or folder:

    "src": "/home/user/tests/fixture.js"

Pass an array to the src parameter to specify multiple test files or folders:

    "src": ["/home/user/auth-tests/fixture.testcafe", "/home/user/mobile-tests/"]

Alternatively, specify a set of files with a glob pattern:

    "src": ["/home/user/tests/**/*.js", "!/home/user/tests/foo.js"]

CLI: Specify test files
API: runner.src

Filter tests and fixtures by name, metadata, or function

Main article: Metadata and Filtering

Use the filter parameter in conjunction with one of its options to filter tests and fixtures by name or metadata. If you use a JavaScript configuration file, you can filter tests by function.


    "filter": {
        "test": "Click a label"

CLI: -t, --test
API: runner.filter

Filter tests by function


This capability requires the use of a JavaScript configuration file.

To filter tests by function, pass the function directly to the filter parameter.

module.exports = {   
    filter: (testName, fixtureName, fixturePath, testMeta, fixtureMeta) => {
    return fixturePath.startsWith('D') &&
        testName.match(someRe) &&
        fixtureName.match(anotherRe) && === 'true' &&
        fixtureMeta.env === 'staging';

The filter function accepts the following arguments:

  • testName
  • fixtureName
  • fixturePath
  • testMeta
  • fixtureMeta

Filter tests by name

Define the test option to run a test with the specified name.

    "filter": {
        "test": "Click a label"

CLI: -t, --test
API: runner.filter

Filter tests by grep pattern

To filter tests by grep pattern, pass a Basic Regular Expression to the testGrep option:

    "filter": {
        "testGrep": "Click.*"

CLI: -T, --test-grep
API: runner.filter

Filter fixtures by name

Define the fixture option to run a fixture with the specified name.

    "filter": {
        "fixture": "Sample fixture"

CLI: -f, --fixture
API: runner.filter

Filter fixtures by grep pattern

To filter fixtures by grep pattern, pass a Basic Regular Expression to the fixtureGrep option:

    "filter": {
        "fixtureGrep": "Page.*"

CLI: -F, --fixture-grep
API: runner.filter

Filter tests by metadata

Define the testMeta option to filter tests by metadata.

The example below instructs TestCafe to run tests that meet the following requirements:

  • The value of the device metadata property is mobile.
  • The value of the env metadata property is production.
    "filter": {
        "testMeta": {
            "device": "mobile",
            "env": "production"

CLI: --test-meta
API: runner.filter

Filter fixtures by metadata

Define the fixtureMeta option to filter fixtures by metadata.

The example below instructs TestCafe to run tests that meet the following requirements:

  • The value of the device metadata property is mobile.
  • The value of the env metadata property is production.
    "filter": {
        "fixtureMeta": {
            "device": "mobile",
            "env": "production"

CLI: --fixture-meta
API: runner.filter


Main article: Reporters

Specify the reporter parameter to select a test reporter:

    "reporter": "list"

If you don’t specify the output option, the reporter outputs data to stdout. Specify the output option to save reporter data to a file:

    "reporter": {
        "name": "xunit",
        "output": "reports/report.xml"

You can use multiple test reporters simultaneously. However, only one reporter at a time can output data to stdout. Define the output option for each subsequent reporter:

    "reporter": [
            "name": "spec"
            "name": "json",
            "output": "reports/report.json"

If you use a JavaScript configuration file, you can configure reporter hooks.

CLI: -r, --reporter
API: runner.reporter

Base URL

The baseURL parameter defines the starting URL of every fixture and test in your test suite. Additionally, the option enables you to use relative Role URLs.

To override this setting, use the and methods.

    "baseUrl": ""

CLI: --base-url
API: run.baseUrl

Screenshots and Videos

Main article: Screenshots and Videos

The following options have been deprecated in TestCafe v1.5.0 and higher:


Use the screenshots parameter to specify screenshot settings.


The path option specifies the screenshot storage folder:

    "screenshots": {
        "path": "/home/user/tests/screenshots/"

CLI: --screenshots path
API: runner.screenshots


Enable the takeOnFails option to take screenshots on test failure.

    "screenshots": {
        "takeOnFails": true

CLI: --screenshots takeOnFails
API: runner.screenshots


Set the pathPattern option to define a custom naming pattern for screenshot files:

    "screenshots": {
        "pathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"

CLI: --screenshots pathPattern
API: runner.screenshots


Set the pathPatternOnFails option to define a custom naming pattern for screenshots taken on test failure.

If you set both the pathPattern option and the pathPatternOnFails option, the latter takes precedence in the event of test failure.

    "screenshots": {
        "pathPatternOnFails": "${DATE}_${TIME}/failedTests/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"

CLI: --screenshots pathPatternOnFails API: runner.screenshots


Enable the fullPage option to capture screenshots of the entire page.

    "screenshots": {
        "fullPage": true

CLI: --screenshots fullPage
API: runner.screenshots


Enable the thumbnails option to generate thumbnail copies of every screenshot.

    "screenshots": {
        "thumbnails": false

CLI: --screenshots thumbnails
API: runner.screenshots


If you set the disableScreenshots parameter to true, TestCafe ignores the t.screenshot() action and the takeOnFails parameter.

    "disableScreenshots": true

CLI: --disable-screenshots
API:{ disableScreenshots })


Main article: Record Videos

Set the videoPath parameter to record videos of test runs and store them in the specified directory.

    "videoPath": "reports/screen-captures"

CLI: --video



The videoOptions parameter has no effect unless you enable video recording with the videoPath parameter.

Specifies video recording options. See the Record Videos guide for the full list of available options.

    "videoOptions": {
        "singleFile": true,
        "failedOnly": true,
        "pathPattern": "${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.mp4"

CLI: --video-options



The videoEncodingOptions parameter has no effect unless you enable video recording with the videoPath parameter.

Specifies video encoding options. Refer to the FFmpeg documentation for the full list of available options.

    "videoEncodingOptions": {
        "r": 20,
        "aspect": "4:3"

CLI: --video-encoding-options

screenshotPath (deprecated)

Deprecated in favor of screenshots.path.

TestCafe v1.4.X and lower does not enable screenshots out of the box. The screenshotPath parameter allows you to enable screenshots and specify the path to the screenshot storage location.

    "screenshotPath": "/home/user/tests/screenshots/"

takeScreenshotsOnFails (deprecated)

Deprecated in favor of screenshots.takeOnFails.

If you use TestCafe v1.4.X or lower, enable the takeScreenshotsOnFails parameter to take screenshots on test failure.

    "takeScreenshotsOnFails": true

screenshotPathPattern (deprecated)

Deprecated in favor of screenshots.pathPattern

If you use TestCafe v1.4.X or lower, set the pathPattern parameter to define a custom naming pattern for your screenshots:

    "screenshotPathPattern": "${DATE}_${TIME}/test-${TEST_INDEX}/${USERAGENT}/${FILE_INDEX}.png"

Debugging settings

Main article: Debug Tests


Main article: Quarantine Mode

Enable quarantine mode to eliminate false negatives and detect unstable tests. TestCafe quarantines tests that fail and repeats them until they yield conclusive results.

    "quarantineMode": true

CLI: -q, --quarantine-mode
API:{ quarantineMode })


The number of successful test attempts necessary to confirm success. The option value should be greater than 0. The default value is 3.

    "quarantineMode": {
        "successThreshold": 2

CLI: -q successThreshold=N, --quarantine-mode successThreshold=N
API:{ quarantineMode: { successThreshold: N } })


The maximum number of test execution attempts. The value of this option should exceed the value of the successThreshold option. The default value is 5.

    "quarantineMode": {
        "attemptLimit": 3

CLI: -q attemptLimit=N, --quarantine-mode attemptLimit=N
API:{ quarantineMode: { attemptLimit: N } })


Main article: Debug Tests

Enables debug mode.

    "debugMode": true


When TestCafe uses native automation, the browser registers page events in debug mode.

CLI: -d, --debug-mode
API:{ debugMode })


Enable the debugOnFail parameter to enter debug mode on test failure.

    "debugOnFail": true

CLI: --debug-on-fail
API:{ debugOnFail })


Stops the entire test run if one test fails.

    "stopOnFirstFail": true

CLI: --sf, --stop-on-first-fail
API:{ stopOnFirstFail })


Main article: Skip JavaScript Errors

TestCafe tests fail when a page yields a JavaScript error. Specify the skipJsErrors parameter to ignore JavaScript errors.


Errors are signs of malfunction. Do not ignore errors that you can fix.
If a page outputs unwarranted error messages, modify your application to prevent this behavior.
Use the skipJsErrors option to silence errors that you cannot act upon.

Skip all JavaScript errors

If you don’t specify additional options, TestCafe ignores all JavaScript errors:

    "skipJsErrors": true

Skip JavaScript errors by message, URL, and stack

Specify options to filter errors by string or regular expression.


Enclose regular expressions in forward slashes to avoid strict matches for special characters.

  • If you specify the message option, TestCafe ignores JavaScript errors with messages that match the regular expression:
        "skipJsErrors": {
            "message": /.*User ID.*/ig
  • If you specify the pageUrl option, TestCafe ignores JavaScript errors on pages with URLs that match the regular expression:
        "skipJsErrors": {
            "pageUrl": /.*.*html/
  • If you specify the stack option, TestCafe ignores JavaScript errors with call stacks that match the regular expression:
        "skipJsErrors": {
            "stack": /.*jquery.*/ig
  • Specify several arguments to skip errors that fit multiple criteria at once — for example, errors with a specific message and a specific call stack.
        "skipJsErrors": {
            "stack": "/.*jquery.*/",
            "message": "/.*User ID.*/ig"

Use custom logic to skip JavaScript errors

Use a JavaScript configuration file to define a callback function with custom logic:

const callbackFunction = {
    fn:           ({ message }) => message.includes('User') || stack.includes('jquery');

module.exports = {
    skipJsErrors: callbackFunction,

CLI: -e, --skip-js-errors
API:{ skipJsErrors })


Specify the skipUncaughtErrors parameter to ignore uncaught errors and unhandled promise rejections during test execution.

    "skipUncaughtErrors": true

CLI: -u, --skip-uncaught-errors
API:{ skipUncaughtErrors })


Specify the developmentMode parameter to generate TestCafe crash reports.


TestCafe does not relaunch unresponsive browsers when you enable Development Mode.

    "developmentMode": true

CLI: --dev
API: createTestCafe


If you enable the retryTestPages parameter, TestCafe performs up to 10 attempts to resolve unsuccessful network requests.

    "retryTestPages": true

This capability requires a secure network connection thanks to its use of Service Workers. To run TestCafe over a secure connection, set up HTTPS or use the --hostname localhost CLI option.

CLI: --retry-test-pages
API: createTestCafe


Main article: Adjust Timeouts


Specify the selectorTimeout parameter to adjust the Selector Timeout (default: 10000 ms).

If TestCafe fails to resolve an element selector query within the Selector Timeout, the test fails.

    "selectorTimeout": 3000

CLI: --selector-timeout
API:{ selectorTimeout })


Specify the assertionTimeout parameter to adjust the Assertion Timeout (default: 3000 ms).

TestCafe executes compatible assertions multiple times within the Assertion Timeout, repeating measurements and calculations with each attempt. If an assertion does not succeed, the test fails.

    "assertionTimeout": 1000

CLI: --assertion-timeout
API:{ assertionTimeout })


Specify the pageLoadTimeout parameter to adjust the Page Load Timeout (default: 3000 ms).

TestCafe applies the Page Load Timeout when the user delays test execution until the window.loadEventRaised event. The timeout defines the maximum amount of time between the DOMContentLoaded event and the window.load event.

    "pageLoadTimeout": 1000

CLI: --page-load-timeout
API:{ pageLoadTimeout })



Disable native automation to adjust the AJAX Request Timeout.

Specify the ajaxRequestTimeout parameter to adjust the AJAX Request Timeout (default: 120000 ms).

    "ajaxRequestTimeout": 40000

CLI: --ajax-request-timeout



Disable native automation to adjust the Page Request Timeout.

Specify the pageRequestTimeout parameter to adjust the Page Request Timeout (default: 25000 ms).

If the server does not fulfill a page request within the Page Request Timeout, the test fails.


If you want to retry unsuccessful test page requests, set the Retry Test Pages parameter.

    "pageRequestTimeout": 8000

CLI: --page-request-timeout


Specify the browserInitTimeout parameter to adjust the Browser Initialization Timeout.

If one or more browsers fail to connect to TestCafe within the Browser Initialization Timeout, the test run fails.

    "browserInitTimeout": 180000

Default values:

CLI: --browser-init-timeout
API:{ browserInitTimeout })


Specify the testExecutionTimeout parameter to set a Test Execution Timeout.

When the total execution time of a test exceeds the Test Execution Timeout, TestCafe terminates the test, even if the browser is responsive.

    "testExecutionTimeout": 180000

CLI: --test-execution-timeout


Specify the runExecutionTimeout parameter to set a Run Execution Timeout.

When the total execution time of a run exceeds the Run Execution Timeout, TestCafe terminates the test run, even if the browsers are responsive.

    "runExecutionTimeout": 180000

CLI: --run-execution-timeout

Automation settings


Specifies test execution speed.

Use the speed parameter to limit test execution speed. The parameter accepts values between 1 (the fastest speed, the default value) and 0.01 (the slowest speed).

    "speed": 0.1

Action-specific speed settings override the global test speed.

CLI: --speed
API:{ speed })


When you launch TestCafe v3.0.0 and up, the framework engages Native Automation mode to automate Chromium-based browsers with the native CDP protocol. Disable Native Automation to automate browsers with the TestCafe proxy.

Specify the disableNativeAutomation parameter to disable Native Automation.


If you want to run tests in Chrome and other browsers, launch two instances of TestCafe — one with Native Automation, and one without:

testcafe chrome,edge test.js; 
testcafe firefox,safari test.js --disable-native-automation
    "disableNativeAutomation": true

*CLI: --disable-native-automation
API:{ disableNativeAutomation: true; })

port1, port2

TestCafe automatically selects two open network ports to automate browsers and access cross-domain resources.

Specify the port1 and port2 parameters to manually select two ports in the [0—65535] range.

    "port1": 12345,
    "port2": 54321

CLI: --ports
API: createTestCafe



Disable native automation to define a custom hostname.

Specify the hostname property to select the hostname of your machine for remote browser connections. If you do not specify this property, TestCafe detects your hostname and IP address.

    "hostname": ""

CLI: --hostname
API: createTestCafe



If you run tests with native automation, use the built-in capabilities of your operating system to configure a proxy connection.

Specify the proxy parameter to access remote resources through a proxy.

    "proxy": ""
    "proxy": ""

The value may include authentication credentials:

    "proxy": ""

CLI: --proxy
API: runner.useProxy



If you run tests with native automation, use the built-in capabilities of your operating system to configure a proxy connection.

Use the proxyBypass property to bypass the proxy when you load select resources.

The wildcard symbol (*) indicates variable URL parts. You can omit wildcards at the beginning and the end of the URL: * and are identical.

    "proxyBypass": "*"
    "proxyBypass": ["localhost:8080", ""]

CLI: --proxy-bypass
API: runner.useProxy



Native Automation mode supports HTTPS and HTTP/2 websites out of the box. Use the ssl option to set up HTTPS testing with the TestCafe proxy.

To run the TestCafe Proxy over HTTPS, pass an object with HTTPS initialization options to the ssl property.

    "ssl": {
        "pfx": "path/to/file.pfx",
        "rejectUnauthorized": true

CLI: --ssl
API: createTestCafe


Specify the cache property to cache assets (such as stylesheets and scripts) when you load a web page for the first time.

When TestCafe accesses the page a second time, it pulls assets from its cache instead of requesting them from the server.

    "cache": true

TestCafe emulates the browser’s native caching behavior. For example, when TestCafe runs tests in Google Chrome, it only caches resources that Chrome itself would cache.

TestCafe caches scripts, stylesheets, fonts, and other assets up to 5 MB in size. TestCafe does not cache HTML because that could break user roles.

If the application relies on heavy remote assets, enable server-side caching to decrease test run time.

CLI: --cache
API: createTestCafe


Specify the disablePageCaching property to prohibit the browser from caching page content.

    "disablePageCaching": true

Users may inadvertently access cached pages that contain outdated automation scripts, for example, when they activate a Role. Specify the disablePageCaching parameter to prevent the browser from caching automation scripts.

For more information, see Troubleshooting: Test Actions Fail After Authentication.

You can disable page caching for an individual fixture or test.

CLI: --disable-page-caching


Use the disableHttp2 parameter to prohibit HTTP/2 network requests.

    "disableHttp2": true

CLI: --disable-http2


If multi-window tests cause crashes, disable support for multi-window testing with the disableMultipleWindows parameter.

    "disableMultipleWindows": true

CLI: --disable-multiple-windows
API:{ disableMultipleWindows })

TypeScript settings

Main article: TypeScript and CoffeeScript

The following parameter has been deprecated in TestCafe v1.10.0 and higher:


Use the compilerOptions parameter to specify test compilation settings. The current version of TestCafe can only configure the TypeScript compiler.

    "compilerOptions": {
         "typescript": {
              "customCompilerModulePath": "path to custom Typescript compiler module",
              "options": { "experimentalDecorators": "true",  "newLine": "crlf"}

Populate the typescript.options object with TypeScript compiler options.

Set the typescript.configPath option to load TypeScript compilation settings from a dedicated tsconfig.json file.

    "compilerOptions": {
         "typescript": { "configPath": "path-to-custom-ts-config.json"}

Set the typescript.compilerModulePath option to load an external TypeScript compiler.

   "compilerOptions": {
       "typescript":   { "customCompilerModulePath": "path to custom Typescript compiler module" }


TestCafe resolves user-specified relative paths against the TestCafe installation folder.

CLI: --compiler-options
API: runner.compilerOptions

tsConfigPath (deprecated)

The tsConfigPath parameter has been deprecated in favor of the compilerOptions setting.

CLI: --ts-config-path
API: runner.tsConfigPath

User Variables

Specify the userVariables parameter to pass custom data to your tests.

  1. Pass key-value pairs to the userVariables parameter.

  2. In the test file, import the userVariables object from the testcafe module.


  "userVariables": {
    "url": "",


const { userVariables } = require('testcafe');

fixture `Test user variables`

test('Type text', async t => {
    await t
        .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')

Client scripts

Main article: Inject Client Scripts

Specify the clientScripts parameter to inject custom JavaScript code into the browser.

The clientScripts parameter accepts the following options:

  • module
  • content
  • path

To specify more than one option, enclose options in an array. To limit the scope of the injection, specify the page attribute.

    "clientScripts": [
            "module": "lodash", /* Insert an entire module.  */
            "page": "" /* Limit the injection to the login page. */
            "content": "Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = () => new Positon(0, 0);" /* Insert this particular line of JavaScript code. It works on all pages. */
            "path": "scripts/react-helpers.js", /* Insert a locally stored script. It works on all pages. */

CLI: --cs, --client-scripts
API: runner.clientScripts

Custom Actions

Main article: Custom Test Actions

If you use a JavaScript configuration file, you can define custom TestCafe actions.

Pass the action definition function to the customActions configuration file parameter.

module.exports = {
  customActions: {
   async makeCoffee (...args) {


If you use a JavaScript configuration file, you can define global test hooks, request hooks, and reporter hooks.

Test hooks

Main article: Test Hooks

Use a JavaScript configuration file to define the following global hooks:

Test run hooks

Test run hooks run when you launch TestCafe and just before the TestCafe process terminates.

The following example declares a before test run hook and an after test run hook.

const utils = require('./my-utils.js');
const { admin } = require('roles');

module.exports = {
    hooks: {
        testRun: {
            before: async ctx => {
                ctx.serverId = 123;

            after:  async ctx => {

Global fixture hooks

Global fixture hooks run before or after each of the fixtures in your test suite.

The following example declares a global before fixture hook and a global after fixture hook:

const utils = require('./my-utils.js');
const { admin } = require('roles');

module.exports = {
    hooks: {
        fixture: {
            before: async ctx => {
                ctx.dbName = 'users';

            after:  async ctx => {

Global test hooks

Global test hooks run before or after each of the tests in your test suite.

The following example declares a global before test hook and a global after test hook:

const utils = require('./my-utils.js');
const { admin } = require('roles');

module.exports = {
    hooks: {
        test:    {
            before: async t => {
                t.ctx = 'test data';

                await t.useRole(admin);
            after:  async t => {
                console.log(t.ctx); // > test data

Request hooks

Main article: Intercept HTTP Requests

Use a JavaScript configuration file to define global RequestHooks, Request Loggers, and Request Mockers. TestCafe attaches global request hooks to your entire test suite.

The following example declares a global request hook:

const { RequestMock } = require('testcafe');

const mock = RequestMock()
        name: 'John Hearts',
        position: 'CTO',
    }, 200, { 'access-control-allow-origin': '*' })
    .respond(null, 404);

module.exports = {
    hooks: {
        request: mock,

Reporter hooks

Main article: Modify Reporter Output

If you want to make minor changes to the output of an existing reporter, define an onBeforeWrite hook:

The following hook appends test duration to every test entry in the report:

//.testcaferc.js or .testcaferc.cjs
function onBeforeWriteHook(writeInfo) { // This function will fire every time the reporter calls the "write" method.
    if (writeInfo.initiator === 'reportTestDone') { // The "initiator" property contains the name of the reporter event that triggered the hook.
         const {
        } = || {}; // If you attached this hook to a compatible reporter (such as "spec" or "list"), the hook can process data related to the event.
        const testDuration = testRunInfo.durationMs; // Save the duration of the test.
        writeInfo.formattedText = writeInfo.formattedText + ' (' + testDuration + 'ms)'; // Add test duration to the reporter output.

module.exports = { // Attach the hook
    hooks: {
        reporter: {
            onBeforeWrite: {
                'spec': onBeforeWriteHook, // This hook will fire when you use the default "spec" reporter.

Reporter hook demonstration

Initialization Settings

Main article: Execute shell commands on startup


Use the appCommand property to execute a shell command on startup. TestCafe terminates this process when the test run is complete.

    "appCommand": "node server.js"

The appInitDelay property determines how long TestCafe waits for the resolution of the shell command (default: 1000 milliseconds).


TestCafe adds the node_modules/.bin folder to the PATH environment variable. Do not use prefixes if you want to launch local dependency binaries.

CLI: -a, --app
API: runner.startApp


Specifies the time (in milliseconds) between the execution of the appCommand shell command and the launch of the first test.

    "appCommand": "node server.js",
    "appInitDelay": 3000

Default value: 1000

CLI: --app-init-delay
API: runner.startApp

CLI Output settings


TestCafe uses multiple colors to format its CLI output. To disable this behavior, set the noColor parameter to true.

    "noColor": true

To override this configuration file parameter, use the --color CLI flag.

CLI: --no-color