DOMNodeState Object
A DOMNodeState object is a server-side representation of a DOM node. It shares many methods and properties with its client-side counterpart.
Execute a Selector query asynchronously to obtain a DOMNodeState object. Selector promises also expose the node state API:
const element = Selector('#my-element');
const state = await element();
console.log(state.textContent); // > ABC
// or
console.log(await element.textContent); // > ABC
See the Examine DOM Elements recipe for more information.
Methods and Properties
Node methods and properties
All DOMNodeState objects expose the following API:
Property | Type | Description | Corresponding client-side entity |
childElementCount |
Number | The number of child elements. | - |
childNodeCount |
Number | The number of child nodes. | Node.childNodes.length |
hasChildElements |
Boolean | true if the node has child elements. |
- |
hasChildNodes |
Boolean | true if the node has child nodes. |
Node.hasChildNodes |
nodeType |
Number | The node type | Node.nodeType. |
textContent |
String | The text content of the node and its descendants. | Node.textContent. |
Method | Type | Description |
hasClass(className) |
Boolean | true if the class name matches the argument. |
Element methods and properties
Only element-based DOMNodeState objects expose the following API:
Property | Type | Description | Corresponding client-side entity |
attributes |
Object | An object with element attributes ({name: value, ... } ). |
Element.attributes() |
boundingClientRect |
Object | Element size and position | Element.getBoundingClientRect() |
checked |
Boolean | The status of a checkbox element or radio input. If the element is neither, undefined . |
HTMLInputElement.checked |
classNames |
Array of String | Element class list. | Element.classList |
clientHeight |
Number | The inner height of the element in pixels. | Element.clientHeight |
clientLeft |
Number | The width of the element’s left border in pixels. | Element.clientLeft. |
clientTop |
Number | The width of the element’s top border in pixels. | Element.clientTop. |
clientWidth |
Number | The inner width of the element in pixels. | Element.clientWidth. |
focused |
Boolean | true if the element is focused |
- |
id |
String | The value of the element’s id property | |
innerText |
String | The value of the element’s innerText attribute. See the corresponding HTML spec. |
Element.innerText |
namespaceURI |
String | The namespace URI of the element. null if the element does not belong to a namespace. |
Element.namespaceURI. |
offsetHeight |
Number | The height of the element including padding and borders. | HTMLElement.offsetHeight |
offsetLeft |
Number | The distance between the element’s outer border and the left border of its offsetParent (exceptions apply). |
HTMLElement.offsetLeft. |
offsetTop |
Number | The distance between the element’s outer border and the top border of its offsetParent . |
HTMLElement.offsetTop. |
offsetWidth |
Number | The width of the element including padding and borders. | HTMLElement.offsetWidth. |
selected |
Boolean | For <option> elements: selection status (boolean). For other elements: undefined . |
HTMLOptionElement.selected. |
selectedIndex |
Number | For <select> elements: the index of the first selected <option> . For other elements: undefined . |
HTMLSelectElement.selectedIndex. |
scrollHeight |
Number | Content height, including content that you need to scroll into view. | Element.scrollHeight. |
scrollLeft |
Number | The width of the area you can reveal if you scroll left (in pixels). | Element.scrollLeft. |
scrollTop |
Number | The height of the area you can reveal if you scroll up (in pixels). | Element.scrollTop. |
scrollWidth |
Number | Element content width or element width, whichever is greater (in pixels). | Element.scrollWidth. |
style |
Object | An object with the element’s de facto CSS properties ({ property: value, ... } ). Alternative to the getStyleProperty method. |
Window.getComputedStyle() |
tagName |
String | Element name | Element.tagName. |
value |
String | Value of input elements. For other elements, undefined . |
HTMLInputElement.value |
visible |
Boolean | true if the element meets our visibility criteria. |
— |
Method | Type | Description | Corresponding client-side entity |
getStyleProperty(propertyName) |
Object | Returns the computed value of a specific CSS property. Call the .style method to fetch all the properties instead. |
- |
getAttribute(attributeName) |
String | Returns the value of a specific element attribute. Call the .attributes method to fetch all the attributes instead. |
Element.getAttribute)() |
getBoundingClientRectProperty(propertyName) |
Number | Returns the value of the propertyName property from the boundingClientRect object. |
- |
hasAttribute(attributeName) |
Boolean | true if the element has the specified attribute. The attribute’s value is irrelevant. |
Element.hasAttribute() |