Reporter Interface

Implement the following methods to create a reporter:

You can use the helper methods and libraries within the reporter methods to output the required data.


Fires when a test task starts.

async reportTaskStart (startTime, userAgents, testCount)
Parameter Type Description
startTime Date The date and time when testing started.
userAgents Array of Strings The list of browsers used for testing. Contains the formatted names and versions of the browsers and operating systems.
testCount Number The total number of tests to run.


async reportTaskStart (startTime, userAgents, testCount) {
    this.startTime = startTime;
    this.testCount = testCount;

    const time = this.moment(startTime).format('M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss a');

    this.write(`Testing started: ${time}`)
        .write(`Running ${testCount} tests in: ${userAgents}`)

//=> Testing started: 8/12/2016 3:00:00 am
//=> Running 6 tests in: Chrome 41.0.2227 / Mac OS X 10.10.1,Firefox 47 / Mac OS X 10.10.1


Fires each time a fixture starts.

async reportFixtureStart (name, path, meta)
Parameter Type Description
name String The test fixture name.
path String The path to a test fixture file.
meta Object The fixture metadata. See Specify Test Metadata for more information.


async reportFixtureStart (name, path, meta) {
    this.currentFixtureName = name;
    this.currentFixtureMeta = meta;
    this.write(`Starting fixture: ${name} ${meta.fixtureID}`)

//=> Starting fixture: First fixture f-0001


Fires each time a test starts. This method is optional.

async reportTestStart (name, meta)



The test name.



The test metadata. See Specify Testing Metadata for more information.



A testStartInfo object.


async reportTestStart (name, meta, testStartInfo) {
    this.write(`Starting test at ${testStartInfo.startTime.toLocaleTimeString()}: ${name} (${meta.severity})`) 

//=> Starting test at 4:00:00 AM: Submit data (minor)

testStartInfo Object

The testStartInfo object contains detailed information about the test start.



Array of Strings

An array of all test identifiers.



The test’s identifier.



The start time of the test.


Fires each time a test ends.

async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta)
Parameter Type Description
name String The test name.
testRunInfo Object The testRunInfo object.
meta Object The test metadata. See Specify Testing Metadata for more information.


async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) {
    const hasErr      = !!testRunInfo.errs.length;
    const hasWarnings = !!testRunInfo.warnings.length;
    const result      = testRunInfo.skipped ? 'skipped' : hasErr ? `failed` : `passed`;

    name = `${this.currentFixtureName} - ${name}`;

    let title = `${result} ${name}`;

    if (testRunInfo.unstable)
        title += ' (unstable)';

    if (testRunInfo.screenshotPath)
        title += ` (screenshots: ${testRunInfo.screenshotPath})`;

    if (meta.severity)
        title += ` (${meta.severity})`;

    if (hasWarnings)
        title += ' (with warnings)';


//=> failed First fixture - First test in first fixture (unstable) (screenshots: /screenshots/1445437598847) (critical)
//=> passed First fixture - Second test in first fixture (screenshots: /screenshots/1445437598847)
//=> failed First fixture - Third test in first fixture
//=> skipped First fixture - Fourth test in first fixture

testRunInfo Object

The testRunInfo object provides detailed information about the test run. The object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
errs Array of Objects An array of errors that occurred during the test run. Use the formatError helper to convert objects in this array to strings.
warnings Array of Strings An array of warnings that appeared during the test run.
durationMs Number The duration of the test (in milliseconds).
unstable Boolean Specifies if the test is marked as unstable.
screenshotPath String The path where screenshots are saved.
screenshots Array of Objects An array of screenshot objects.
quarantine Object A quarantine object.
skipped Boolean Specifies if the test was skipped.
reportData Object A reportData object.

screenshots Object

The screenshot object provides information about the screenshot captured during the test run. The object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
screenshotPath String The path where the screenshot was saved.
thumbnailPath String The path where the screenshot’s thumbnail was saved.
userAgent String The user agent string of the browser where the screenshot was captured.
quarantineAttempt Number The quarantine attempt’s number.
takenOnFail Boolean Specifies if the screenshot was captured when the test failed.

quarantine Object

The quarantine object stores information about quarantined tests in key-value format.

Key Value
The quarantine attempt’s number. Contains information about the attempt. The passed property is true if the attempt has been successful.

reportData Object

The reportData object stores custom data that the reporter receives from the action.

Key Value
Test Run ID (string) Array of values (any type) from the action.


Fires when the task ends.

async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result)
Parameter Type Description
endTime Date The date and time when testing completed.
passed Number The number of passed tests.
warnings Array of Strings An array of warnings that occurred during a task run.
result Object Contains information about the task results.


async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) {
    const time = this.moment(endTime).format('M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss a');
    const durationMs  = endTime - this.startTime;
    const durationStr = this.moment.duration(durationMs).format('h[h] mm[m] ss[s]');
    const summary = result.failedCount ?
                    `${result.failedCount}/${this.testCount} failed` :
                    `${result.passedCount} passed`;

    this.write(`Testing finished: ${time}`)
        .write(`Duration: ${durationStr}`)

//=> Testing finished: 8/12/2016 3:15:25 am
//=> Duration: 15m 25s
//=> 2/6 failed

result Object

The result object contains information about the task results. The object has the following properties:

Parameter Type Description
passedCount Number The number of passed tests.
failedCount Number The number of failed tests.
skippedCount Number The number of skipped tests.

Helper Methods

Helpers are methods and libraries used to format report output when implementing a reporter. TestCafe mixes these methods into the reporter.

To access helpers, use this.

Output Helpers

All output helper methods are chainable: each method returns this so that the methods can be executed one right after another. This allows you to write compact code like this.



Adds a new line to the report.

newline () → this


async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) {
    const summary = result.failedCount ?
                    `${result.failedCount}/${this.testCount} failed` :
                    `${result.passedCount} passed`;



Writes the specified text to the report.

write (text) → this
Parameter Type Description
text String The text to output in the report.


async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) {
    const summary = result.failedCount ?
                    `${result.failedCount}/${this.testCount} failed` :
                    `${result.passedCount} passed`;



Toggles word wrapping for subsequent output.

useWordWrap (use) → this
Parameter Type Description
use Boolean Specify true to enable word wrapping.


The following example demonstrates how to enable word wrapping when the title string is long:

async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) {
    name = `${this.currentFixtureName} - ${name}`;

    const title = `${result} ${name}`;



Specifies indentation for subsequent output.

setIndent (val) → this
Parameter Type Description
val Integer Specifies the number of spaces to indent a new line. To disable indentation, set the parameter to 0.


The following example demonstrates how to indent summary information by four spaces:

async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) {
    const summary = result.failedCount ?
                    `${result.failedCount}/${this.testCount} failed` :
                    `${result.passedCount} passed`;

//=>    2/6 failed

Formatting Helpers


Indents each line in a string by a number of spaces.

indentString (str, indentVal) → String
Parameter Type Description
str String The string to indent.
indentVal Number The number of spaces to indent a new line.


This example demonstrates how to indent each line in the str string by four spaces.

async reportTaskStart (startTime, userAgents, testCount) {
    let str = `Start running tests\nBrowsers used for testing: ${userAgents}`;
    str = this.indentString(str, 4);

//=>    Start running tests
//=>    Browsers used for testing: Chrome,Firefox


Breaks and wraps a string to a new line if its length exceeds the maximum allowed length.

wordWrap (str, indentVal, width) → String
Parameter Type Description
str String The string you want to break.
indentVal Number The number of spaces to indent a new line.
width Number The maximum number of characters each line can contain.


The following example demonstrates how to break the title string to the next line if the string length is more than 50 symbols.

const LINE_WIDTH = 50;

async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) {
    const hasErr    = !!testRunInfo.errs.length;
    const result    = hasErr ? `failed` : `passed`;

    name = `${this.currentFixtureName} - ${name}`;

    let title = `${result} ${name}`;

    title = this.wordWrap(title, 2, LINE_WIDTH);

//=>  failed Sample fixture - Comparing the input
//=>  value with the specified one
//=>  passed Sample fixture - Clicking an array of
//=>  labels and checking their states


Encodes a string for use in HTML.

escapeHtml (str) → String
Parameter Type Description
str String The string to be encoded.


The following example demonstrates how to encode the fixture name Tests for the “Example” page for HTML

async reportFixtureStart (name, path, meta) {
    this.currentFixtureName = this.escapeHtml(name);
//=>Tests for the "Example" page


Returns the formatted error message string for the specified error.

formatError (err, prefix = '') → String
Parameter Type Description
err Object The error object you need to format.
prefix = '' String The string that is prepended to the error. By default, it is empty.


The following example demonstrates how to number errors:

async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) {
    const hasErr = !!testRunInfo.errs.length;

    if (hasErr) {
        errs.forEach((err, idx) => {
                .write(this.formatError(err, `${idx + 1}) `));
//=> 1) Chrome
//=>    Assertion failed at step "Step1"
//=>    ...
//=> 2) Firefox
//=>    Assertion failed at step "Step1"
//=>    ...

Coloring Helper


chalk is used for ANSI-coloring of the text.

chalk.<style>[.<style>...](string, [string...]) → this


The following example demonstrates how to color test results:

async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) {
    const hasErr = !!testRunInfo.errs.length;
    const result = hasErr ?`failed`) :`passed`);

    name = `${this.currentFixtureName} - ${name}`;

    const title = `${result} ${name}`;


To force disabling coloring in reports, set the reporter’s noColors property in the src/index.js file to false. For example, you may need to disable coloring for machine-readable formats (JSON or xUnit) since the colored output is not required.

export default function () {
    return {
        noColors: true,

        async reportTaskStart (startTime, userAgents, testCount) {


Date/Time Helper


moment is used to deal with dates and time.

moment().format() → this


async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) {
    const durationMs  = endTime - this.startTime;
    const durationStr = this.moment
                            .format('h[h] mm[m] ss[s]');

    this.write(`Duration: ${durationStr}`)