t.typeText Method

Types a string into an input field, a textarea element, or an element with the contenteditable attribute. The method is chainable.

t.typeText(selector, text [, options]) → this | Promise<any>
Parameter Type Description
selector Function | String | Selector | Snapshot | Promise Action target. See Select Page Elements.
text String The string to type.
options (optional) Object Action parameters. See Options.

Interaction Requirements

TestCafe cannot execute the t.typeText action if the target element is not focused. To prevent action failure, TestCafe automatically clicks t.typeText targets that don’t have focus. Test reports don’t count the click as a separate action. If the element doesn’t gain :focus from the click, the action fails.

If the t.typeText target is focused, TestCafe doesn’t perform the additional click action.


Use the t.selectText and t.pressKey actions to edit the content in the target element.

Caret Position

The t.typeText action doesn’t delete content from the target element. TestCafe places the caret after the existing content.

Specify the caretPos option to move the caret. To empty the target element before the action, set the replace option to true. See Options.

The following example shows how to use t.typeText with and without options:

import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

const nameInput = Selector('#developer-name');


test('Type and Replace', async t => {
    await t
        .typeText(nameInput, 'Peter')
        .typeText(nameInput, 'Paker', { replace: true })
        .typeText(nameInput, 'r', { caretPos: 2 })

Typing Into DateTime, Color, and Range Inputs

Some input types, such as DateTime, Color, and Range, only accept values of a certain format.

The following table lists common HTML5 input types and the values that they accept:

Input type Pattern Example
Date yyyy-mm-dd '2017-12-23'
Week yyyy-Www '2017-W03'
Month yyyy-mm '2017-08'
DateTime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm '2017-11-03T05:00'
Time hh:mm '15:30'
Color #rrggbb (hex) '#FF8040'
Range n '45'

The example below demonstrates the color, datetime-local, and range input fields:

import { Selector } from 'testcafe';


const color    = Selector('input[type=color]');
const datetime = Selector('input[type=datetime-local]');
const range    = Selector('input[type=range]');

test('Interact with inputs', async t => {

    await t
        .typeText(color, '#FF8040')
        .typeText(datetime, '2017-11-03T05:00')
        .typeText(range, '80');

Select Target Elements

Use the selector parameter to identify the target of a DOM event.

You can pass any of the following objects as a selector:

  • A CSS selector string.

    test('Click submit', async t => {
        // Click will be performed on the first element
        // that matches the CSS selector.
        await t.click('#submit-button');
  • A selector.

    import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
    fixture`Parameter as Selector`
    const lastCheckbox = Selector('fieldset p:last-child [type="checkbox"]');
    test('Click last checkbox', async t => {
        // Click will be performed on the element selected by
        // the 'getLastItem' selector.
        await t.click(lastCheckbox);
  • A client-side function that returns a DOM element.

    test('Click first child of the body', async t => {
        // Click will be performed on the element returned by the function,
        // which is the third child of the document's body.
        await t.click(() => document.body.children[0]);
  • A DOM node snapshot.

    import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
    fixture`Parameter as DOM node snapshot`
    test('Click preferred interface', async t => {
        const preferredInterface = await Selector('#preferred-interface');
        // Click will be performed on the element whose snapshot
        // is specified. This is an element with the '#preferred-interface' ID.
        await t.click(preferredInterface);
  • A Promise returned by a selector.

    import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
    const submitButton = Selector('#submit-button');
    fixture`Parameter as Promise by Selector`
    test('Click submit', async t => {
        // Click will be performed on the element specified by the selector
        // as soon as the promise is resolved.
        await t.click(submitButton());

TestCafe waits for the target element to become visible before it executes an action. If this does not happen within the selector timeout, the test fails.

TestCafe cannot interact with background elements. If a different element overlaps the action target, TestCafe waits for this element to disappear. If this does not happen within the selector timeout, TestCafe performs the action with the element on top of the original target. Learn more about stacking and z-index on MDN.


The upload action is an exception to this rule — it does not check the visibility of the target input.


    modifiers: {
        ctrl: Boolean,
        alt: Boolean,
        shift: Boolean,
        meta: Boolean

    offsetX: Number, // Integer
    offsetY: Number, //Integer
    caretPos: Number, //Zero-based Integer
    replace: Boolean,
    paste: Boolean,
    speed: Number //Float
Parameter Type Description Default
ctrl, alt, shift, meta Boolean Simulates modifier key presses to trigger event listeners. Does not affect the output. See the Modifier keys section. false
offsetX, offsetY Number (Integer). The relative coordinates of the cursor during the click action. A positive offset value moves the cursor in relation to the top (offsetY) or the left (offsetX) border of the element. A negative offset value moves the cursor in relation to the bottom (offsetY) or the right (offsetX) border of the element. No value. Testcafe clicks the center of the element.
caretPos Number (Zero-based Integer) The initial caret position. The length of the target element content.
replace Boolean Set replace to true to empty the target element before the action. false
paste Boolean Set paste to true to insert the string in one go. false
speed Number (Float) Action emulation speed from 0.1 (the slowest) to 1 (the fastest). Overrides the command line option, the Runner option and the test-wide option. 1


import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

const nameInput = Selector('#developer-name');

fixture `My Fixture`
    .page `http://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/example/`

test('My Test', async t => {
    await t
        .typeText(nameInput, 'Peter')
        .typeText(nameInput, 'Parker', { replace: true });

Modifier keys

The modifiers option simulates key presses in order to trigger event listeners. Before the start of the action, TestCafe sets off a keydown event with the modifier keys that you select.

Listen for a keydown event to detect modifier keys.


Modifier keys have no effect on the output string. For example, the shift modifier does not influence character case. This behavior occurs because TestCafe simulates user actions with browser scripts, and key interactions take place outside of the browser. When you press shift and a on a keyboard, your operating system substitutes the lowercase a for an uppercase A. By the time your browser registers the key press, the character is already uppercase.


//TestCafe types the red string when `shift` is pressed

import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

const scriptContent = `
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    const nameInput = document.getElementById('developer-name');
    nameInput.addEventListener('keydown', logKey);

    function logKey(e) {
        if (e.shiftKey) {
            nameInput.style.color = "red";

fixture `Example`
    .page `https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/example/`
    .clientScripts({ content: scriptContent });

test('My Test', async t => {

    const nameInput = Selector('#developer-name')
    await t
        .typeText(nameInput, 'John Doe', {
            speed: 0.1,
            modifiers: {
               shift: true 


Paste option

When the option is true, TestCafe uses the Node.insertBefore() JavaScript method to insert the string into the target element in one go.