Fixture.skipJsErrors method

Main article: Skip JavaScript Errors

TestCafe tests fail when a page yields a JavaScript error.


Errors are signs of malfunction. Do not ignore errors that you can fix.
If a page outputs unwarranted error messages, modify your application to prevent this behavior.
Use the skipJsErrors option to silence errors that you cannot act upon.

You can skip all JavaScript errors that occur, or only skip errors that meet specific criteria.

Read the following section to learn how to disable the default skipJsErrors setting:

Read the following section to learn about other ways to skip JavaScript errors:

Skip all errors

If you do not specify additional options, TestCafe ignores all JavaScript errors.

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``

Specify options to filter errors by string or regular expression.


Enclose regular expressions in forward slashes to avoid strict matches for special characters.

Skip errors by message

If you specify the message option, TestCafe ignores JavaScript errors with specific messages. The message option accepts strings or regular expressions.

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``
        message: /.*User.*/ig

Skip errors by URL

If you specify the pageUrl option, TestCafe ignores JavaScript errors on specific pages. The pageUrl option accepts strings or regular expressions.

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``
        pageUrl: /.*.*html/ // Ignores all pages with the html extension

Skip errors by stack

If you specify the stack option, TestCafe ignores JavaScript errors with specific call stacks. The stack option accepts strings or regular expressions.

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``
        stack: /.*jquery.*/ig

Skip errors by multiple criteria

Specify several arguments to skip errors that fit multiple criteria at once — for example, errors with a specific message and a specific call stack.


Specify a callback function to set complex rules — for example, to skip errors that match only one criterion of multiple.

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``
        stack: /.*jquery.*/,
        message: /.*User ID.*/ig

Use custom logic to skip errors

Create a callback function with custom logic and pass it to the skipJsErrors method.

The callback function can access the error’s message, call stack, and URL. TestCafe executes the function client-side.

Make sure that the function returns a Boolean value — true if you want to skip the error; false otherwise.

The following example skips errors with either the specified message or the specified stack:

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``
        ({ message, stack, pageUrl }) => {
            return message === 'Invalid User ID' || stack.includes('jquery')

Pass additional data to the callback function

The function accepts three arguments out of the box: message, stack, and pageUrl. To pass additional data to the function, create an object with dependency data. Then, pass an object with both the function and your dependencies to the skipJsErrors method.

        fn: ({ message, stack, pageUrl }) => {
        // This code can reference 'key1' and 'key2'
        dependencies: {key1: value, key2: value2}

Disable skipJsErrors

Pass false to the skipJsError method to disable skipJsError settings that are greater in scope.

fixture `Authentication tests`
    .page ``
    .skipJsErrors(false); // overrides any global setting
  • Use the t.skipJsErrors action to ignore JavaScript errors at specific points in the test.