Skip Tests and Fixtures

Use fixture.skip and test.skip methods to skip tests and fixtures one by one.

Read the Metadata and Filtering guide to learn how to filter tests by metadata.

fixture.skip `Fixture 1`; // Skip this fixture

test('Fixture 1 - Test 1', () => {});
test('Fixture 1 - Test 2', () => {});

fixture `Fixture 2`;

test('Fixture 2 - Test 1', () => {});
test.skip('Fixture 2 - Test 2', () => {}); // Skip this test
test('Fixture 2 - Test 3', () => {});

Mark Tests and Fixtures for Execution

Use fixture.only and test.only methods to mark fixtures and tests for execution. You can use the only method to mark multiple tests and/or fixtures.

fixture.only `Fixture 1`; // Execute the tests in this fixture
test('Fixture 1 - Test 1', () => {});
test('Fixture 1 - Test 2', () => {});

fixture `Fixture 2`;

test('Fixture 2 - Test 1', () => {});
test.only('Fixture 2 - Test 2', () => {}); // Execute this particular test
test('Fixture 2 - Test 3', () => {});

fixture `Fixture 3`; // Skip this fixture

test('Fixture 3 - Test 1', () => {});
test('Fixture 3 - Test 2', () => {});
test('Fixture 3 - Test 3', () => {});