RequestLogger Constructor

Creates a request logger.

RequestLogger([filter] [, options])
Parameter Type Description Default
filter (optional) String | RegExp | Object | Predicate | Array Specifies which requests the logger should track. See Select Requests to be Handled by the Hook. All requests are tracked
options (optional) Object Options that define how requests and responses are logged. See below

The options parameter contains the following options:

Option Type Description Default
logRequestHeaders Boolean Specifies whether the request headers should be logged. false
logRequestBody Boolean Specifies whether the request body should be logged. false
stringifyRequestBody Boolean Specifies whether the request body should be stored as a String or a Buffer. When you set stringifyRequestBody to true, make sure that the request body is logged (logRequestBody is also true). Otherwise, an error is thrown. false
logResponseHeaders Boolean Specifies whether the response headers should be logged. false
logResponseBody Boolean Specifies whether the response body should be logged. false
stringifyResponseBody Boolean Specifies whether the response body should be stored as a string or a Buffer. When you set stringifyResponseBody to true, make sure that the response body is logged (logResponseBody is also true). Otherwise, an error is thrown. false
import { RequestLogger } from 'testcafe';

const simpleLogger = RequestLogger('');
const headerLogger = RequestLogger(/testcafe\/example/, {
    logRequestHeaders:  true,
    logResponseHeaders: true,

Select Requests to be Handled by the Hook

Filter by URL

Specify the Exact URL

Pass a string with a URL to intercept all requests sent to this exact URL.

const logger = RequestLogger(['', 'http://localhost:8080']);
const mock = RequestMock()
    .respond('Mocked respond');

Use a Regular Expression to Specify the URL

You can also specify a regular expression that matches the desired URLs.

const logger = RequestLogger(/example/);
const mock = RequestMock()
    .respond('Mocked respond');

Filter by Parameters

You can filter requests by combining the URL and the request method.

In this instance, you need to use an object that contains the following fields:

Property Type Description
url String A URL to which a request is sent.
method String The request method.
isAjax Boolean Specifies whether this is an AJAX request.
const logger = RequestLogger({ url: '', method: 'GET', isAjax: false });
const mock = RequestMock()
    .onRequestTo({ url: '', method: 'POST', isAjax: true })
    .respond((req, res) => {
        res.headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*';

Filter with a Predicate

You can get more request parameters and determine whether to handle the request with the predicate functions.

const logger = RequestLogger(async request => {
    return request.method === 'post' &&
           request.headers['content-type'] === 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8';
const mock = RequestMock()
    .onRequestTo(async request => {
        return request.url === '' &&
               request.method === 'post' &&
               request.isAjax &&
               request.body.toString() === 'foo=bar';
    .respond((req, res) => {
        res.headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*';

This predicate takes the request parameter that provides the following properties:

Property Type Description
userAgent String Identifies the user agent that originated the request. Contains the formatted name and version of the browser and operating system (Firefox 69.0 / Windows 10.0.0, Chrome 77.0.3865.120 / macOS 10.15.1).
url String The URL to which the request is sent.
method String The request method.
isAjax Boolean Specifies whether this is an AJAX request.
headers Object The request headers in the property-value form.
body String A stringified request body.