TestCafe v1.17.0 Released
TestCafe v1.17.0 includes two major new capabilities: support for global hooks and custom execution timeouts.
Global Test and Fixture Hooks
You can now specify global test and fixture hooks. TestCafe attaches these hooks to every test / fixture in the test suite.
module.exports = {
hooks: {
fixture: {
before: async (ctx) => {
// your code
after: async (ctx) => {
// your code
test: {
before: async (t) => {
// your code
after: async (t) => {
// your code
Execution Timeouts
You can now specify custom timeouts for tests and test runs. If the execution time of a test/test run exceeds the specified length of time, TestCafe terminates it. Specify these timeouts in the configuration file or from the command line.
Command line interface
testcafe chrome my-tests --test-execution-timeout 180000
testcafe chrome my-tests --run-execution-timeout 180000
Configuration file
"runExecutionTimeout": 180000,
"testExecutionTimeout": 180000